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CBG Oil In Hemp Oil

5% CBG | 10% CBG I 15% CBG I 20% CBG

Our CBG oil, available in standard strengths ranging from 5-20%, is an exceptional product crafted with a deep understanding of molecular interactions. Our proprietary formula contains less than 0.5% CBD and is expertly formulated in hemp oil for optimal solubility. Our skilled scientists have carefully calibrated this product to deliver maximum efficacy, offering a range of strengths that can be customized to meet individual needs. Additionally, our attentive sales team is always available to discuss bespoke options and help you determine the ideal strength for your unique requirements.


Our CBG oil, available in standard strengths ranging from 5-20%, is an exceptional product crafted with a deep understanding of molecular interactions. Our proprietary formula contains less than 0.5% CBD and is expertly formulated in hemp oil for optimal solubility. Our skilled scientists have carefully calibrated this product to deliver maximum efficacy, offering a range of strengths that can be customized to meet individual needs. Additionally, our attentive sales team is always available to discuss bespoke options and help you determine the ideal strength for your unique requirements.

Guaranteed Concentration - Certified and Specified
Highest Industry Standards - Accredited and Approved
Organically Produced - Free from heavy metals, pesticides & herbicides
Developed By Top Scientists - In the Cannabis Industry