The Group and Brands

Breathe Life Sciences (“BLS”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bioxyne Ltd (BXN:ASX) and licensed manufacturer, sponsor, importer and exporter of controlled substances (S3, S4, S8) in Australia.
Bioxyne is an Australian publicly traded life sciences and consumer health products company and parent company of Breathe Life Sciences. For the last 15 years our unique formulations, healthcare solutions, and patient-focused approach has helped change millions of lives.
Our goal is to be at the forefront of alternative medicines, researching and developing safer and more efficacious treatments, medicines, and health supplements to improve and prolong life. Everything we do is underpinned by a strong clinical research and scientific foundation.

At Bioxyne we believe in brand power.
From our pharmaceuticals to our consumer health products, our label stands for quality and efficacy.
Our vision as a group has been to focus on data-driven product development and distribution. We sit at the end of the value chain next to the end consumer / patient, as this is where long term value lies.
As a life sciences company, our work, products and services are dedicated to improving quality of life as well as ease of access to life enhancing products.
We operate in nascent markets and aspire to change the way the world prevents and treats disease with unregistered alternative medicines, consumer health products, and technology.

CanXChange Australia is a machine-learning driven B2B technology platform for sponsors, manufacturers, culitvators, and pharmacy to interact, manage chain of custody, buy and sell bulk starting materials, APIs, and finished products in a regulated environment.

Dr Watson® is our internationally trademarked direct to consumer brand (UK, EU, Japan, USA). The Dr Watson brand is one of the only brands in the world approved by AMAZON for CBD (cannabidiol). The Dr Watson brand is borne by health and wellness supplements, nootropics, functional mushrooms, and skincare products manufactured by BLS.
E-commerce products not available in markets where CBD is a scheduled drug. If you are in Australia please visit BLS Clinics.

Mirai Solution is the market leading manufacturer of CBD products in Japan. A wholly owned subsidiary of BXN /BLS, Mirai has built a reputation of trust amongst Japanese consumer brands and businesses with its manufacturing excellence and local authorizations.

Apothecary CBD® is our skincare solutions for eczema, dermatitis, dry skin and acne. This exclusive range is also approved for and sold to Amazon UK.